First produced by Ark Short Stories at Primrose Hill Community Library, London (2015)
Photo by Sarah Grochala
"I am a good librarian. I know my mission. All the knowledge in all the world. Stored and safeguarded. Nurtured and grown. I steal scrolls off passing ships. Borrow widely, never return."
When Hypatia takes over the ancient library of Alexandria, she expects the city to be outraged and they are. But once they realise what an astute and ruthless collector of knowledge she is, even the king falls under the spell of her wisdom and charm.
Outside in the desert, however, a new and fanatical religion is growing in strength. Can Hypatia defend both herself and the city's knowledge from these fiery true believers?
A short play about defining and defending the things that you know.
Alexandria n. was orginally commissioned by Ark Short Stories and supported by Arts Council England.